Words, Music and Gender Conference

The Words, Music and Gender Conference will address the links between words, music and sex, and their placement in the historical and contemporary cultural context.

Konferenca Besede, glasba in spol bo obravnavala povezave med besedami, glasbo in spolom ter njihovo umestitev v zgodovinski in sodobni kulturni kontekst.


We invite authors to join this link in various fields, including musicology, anthropology, sociology, psychoanalytic theory, translation theory, Marxism and feminist theory, from critical angles such as literary and linguistic analysis, gender studies, ethno music, critical music and popular music studies, and from the perspective of various musical genres, including ethnic, Asian and African music, American and European jazz, and popular and classical music.

Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • gender analysis in various musical genres: rock and pop music, jazz, folk and classical music and opera;
  • sexism in rock songs;
  • the problems of the LGBTQ + community in music;
  • “I Am Woman: Hear Me Roar”: feminist empowerment in contemporary music;
  • “Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves”: the rise of girls music groups;
  • music and identity;
  • sexually-marked music;
  • didactic dimensions of words, music and gender.

Submissions up to 250 words (including the title of the contribution) and contact information (name, institution, postal code and e-mail address, phone number) should be sent to the address below by 30 December 2018.

You can find information about the accommodation in Maribor here.
You can register here.

Email for the website: wordmusicgender@um.si

O konferenci

K sodelovanju vabimo avtorice/je, ki to povezavo v svojih prispevkih obravnavajo z različnih področij, vključno z glasboslovjem, antropologijo, sociologijo, psihoanalitično teorijo, marksizmom in feministično teorijo, s kritičnih zornih kotov, kot so literarna in jezikoslovna analiza, študije spola, etnoglasboslovje, kritično glasboslovje in študije popularne glasbe, ter z vidika različnih glasbenih zvrsti, vključno z etno, azijsko in afriško glasbo, ameriškim in evropskim džezom ter popularno in klasično glasbo.

Teme vključujejo, vendar niso omejene na naslednje:

  • analiza spola v različnih glasbenih zvrsteh: rockovski in pop glasbi, džezu, folk in klasični glasbi ter operi;
  • seksizem v rockovskih pesmih;
  • problematika LGBTQ+ skupnosti  v glasbi;
  • »I Am Woman: Hear Me Roar«: feministično opolnomočenje v sodobni glasbi;
  • »Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves«: vzpon dekliških glasbenih skupin;
  • glasba in identiteta;
  • spolno zaznamovana glasba;
  • didaktične dimenzije besed, glasbe in spola.

Povzetke, ki naj bodo dolgi do 250 besed (vključno z naslovom prispevka), in kontaktne informacije (ime, ustanova, poštni in e-naslov, telefonska številko), pošljite do 30. decembra 2018 na spodnji naslov.


Za informacije o nastanitvi v Mariboru kliknite tukaj.

 Za registracijo kliknite tukaj.

Elektronski naslov: wordsmusicgender@um.si 


We are here

Koroška cesta 160, 2000 Maribor
Phone: +386 2 22 93 840
Fax: +386 (0)2 22 93 625
Email: wordmusicgender@um.si

Kje smo:

Koroška cesta 160, 2000 Maribor
Telefon: +386 2 22 93 840
Faks: +386 (0)2 22 93 625
E-naslov: wordmusicgender@um.si

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